
Amy's story

Amy used to be very active, playing hockey and running and swimming regularly. In her early thirties she began to experience chronic lower back pain, and found she could no longer do the things she loved.

After working with Mags this has changed.

She said: “I have rediscovered a love of horse riding and gardening, so I get to do all the things that I love to do. I’m so grateful for this process, because firstly I am pain free, but secondly, I have a much greater understanding of pain.”

Lucy's story

Lucy experienced chronic pain in her lower back and legs for five years.

After working with Mags her pain has largely gone away completely, although sometimes returns in “flare ups”.

She said: “The flare ups remind me that it’s a work in progress, and that I’ve had my pains for nearly five years and that to get rid of them I’m going to have to work longer than month to unlearn the patterns that might have caused my chronic pains.

“Mags is teaching me to reflect on what might be the root causes, with compassion, and I’m looking forward to continuing working and learning about myself.”

Gerard's story 1

For about 11 years Gerard had pain in his hips, triggered especially by long periods sitting down. This meant that actions such as driving or going on a plane journey were quite daunting.

He has now done a few sessions with Mags, and has learned to talk about pain “differently”.

He said: “Its really exciting, I’ve done three sessions so far and will be continuing. My pain reduces during each session, so I’m looking forward to future sessions.”